
8 October 2014

Duties and responsabilities of your real estate broker?

When it comes to buying or selling immovable property, very few consumers are familiar with the duties and responsibilities of their broker. Yet a number of problems can arise during the various steps of a real estate transaction when consumers are not aware of their rights.

The Organisme d’auto réglementation du courtage immobilier du Québec (OACIQ) is a new organization replacing the Association des courtiers et agents immobiliers du Québec (ACAIQ). Under the former name, there was a list of practical tips that can still be used to answer questions from consumers. To make sure that you get impeccable service from your real estate broker, we invite you look up the tips.

The topics covered in these tips include the following:

  • Brokerage contract
  • Promise to purchase
  • Other forms
  • Code of ethics
  • Verification obligation
  • Disclosure obligation
  • Advertising and representation
  • Pyrite
  • Taxation and incorporation
  • Illegal practice Confidentiality (protection of personal information)

Article from: Chambre immobilière de l’Outaouais 
